Friday, December 31, 2010

Hw # 26

  • Many do not have death on their mind until they are dying and sick, and now after this unit I now constantly think of it. I look at my younger brother and realize he will probably outlive me and catch myself doing this once on train as well with people of all ages. Weird huh.
  • Important information for me was seeing how other people view death from parents to friends to strangers and helped develop my view at the end of this unit.
  • We believe healthcare insurance is there for our benefit but actually just running our pockets.
  • Time is essential because one day our time will be over and on doesn’t want to die regretting how we spent it throughout our life.

Source I found most helpful was hearing other’s voices on their experiences on death and thoughts on it because it was easy for me to connect it to my life and thoughts. Sometimes I found myself nodding my head or confused on why they thought this way. Another source that was helpful was watching Sicko because it helped me understand the complications one is dying or ill, before this believed it was simple that you’d receive the care you needed no matter what, so this movie changed my idea of healthcare insurance.

I believe we should just all have a class discussion and listen to each other’s experiences or thoughts because even if they write about it on their blog, one doesn’t have time to read every single’s classmates blog on death. A question we should explore is what words come up in our mind when one thinks of death? Or what is the point of life if we are going to die in the end?

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