Begins with viewing lives of those who do not have insurance. But this movie is not about these people; it’s about the happy Americans who do have insurance. Of course this isn't as pretty as it is painted, how insurance companies only care about our health and are there for our benefit. In actuality it’s a business; businesses do everything in order to profit more and unfortunately keeping Americans healthy is not one. Not wanting to just view just our country’s insurance he compares it to the one in Cuba and in Britain. Their health insurance is, “ If you have power, you meet the needs of your community.” So why do we not adapt to this? Because the way their insurance works is communist.
Two pieces of evidence that supports Michael Moor's argument is of this man who is 79 still working and has two jobs and other is when this person was knocked unconscious, the insurance didn't cover ambulance. These two pieces of evidence were important to his thesis; Insurance doesn't fully cover health care because this man should be retired resting and being cared for but instead still working in order to pay his insurance. The other evidence is important because this woman did not confirm an ambulance or something and so the insurance did not cover the ambulance bill. But when was this woman supposed to call she was unconscious?!
The fact used in Sicko is in fact accurate that our healthcare system is #37, this citation another piece of proof other than the one Michael Moore uses on his website proving that he did not "fudge" this fact. But one thing did notice is that it is true that Cuba is ranked lower than us, what does this mean? Is Cuba's healthcare insurance not as great as Moore presented it?
Most important excerpts of the movie I believe was listening to not only the patients point of view but the doctor's. Showing that they care about keeping the patient healthy and the Britain doctors were glad they did not have to worry about whether the patient can afford it or not, but concentrate on what can do in order to keep patient healthy and alive. The idea that struck me as the most crucial was having healthcare insurance free and universal,and how we can make this possible in the US because it seems to work in other countries.
This movie has affected even changed my view on healthcare insurance companies, I like most Americans believed up until watching this movie that healthcare insurance was there for our benefit and healthcare. So finding out that they are there to profit from us being sick or close to death was shocking and in my view inhuman. I believe that we can sometimes cover ourselves in this bubble of how everything is good and when experience something that tells us otherwise it kinda literally pops and can feel like "everything's just bullshit." - Jay
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