Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hw # 45

Utopia/Ally made a good point we don't for a fact know that all woman drape and cover themselves during a procedure in India unless we go visit India ourselves, something I hope to do one day. But we can infer from this quote, that most traditional(keyword) woman tend to do this. Thank you for reading my blog, I enjoyed you and Leah's elevator speech, where you guys also researched about birth in India but specifically about their birth rituals.

Steph I am glad that like I, you could see the contrast between U.S. 's male role and India's and I agree it is important to know what other countries do and not just look at it through American perspective but through other places too. Which can help future mothers on what decisions to make during pregnancy and childbirth.

Leah I thought it was interesting when you said, "No matter where your from all the women seem to have the same stigma." Something I was trying to say when analyzing this quote but you said quite beautifully, and I find this true in my own life. When I go to a regular check - up at a hospital, I always tell them I prefer to have a female doctor. Showing that the male presence during birth may not be as great as everyone thinks but it should depend on each individual mother's opinion on whether allow father or partner to attend or not.

Jay thank you for finding interest in my project after the speech, and while reading your comment I found myself nodding my head when you said, "Those who shun others for their customs are ignorant and uneducated." Sometimes one does forget that there are many different cultures, ideas and views besides the ones here in the US and we only find this out once until we leave the country. For example, the first time I went to Mexico, it was eye - opening for me, because before that I thought there wouldn't be much of a difference. But I found that there were many differences, making me want to visit other countries to learn of other customs. Like you said, just because they have different customs then our own we must not be blind and ignore them, we should instead let them help us make our decisions for our childbirth or any other crucial decision in our lives.

Rossi I am happy my blog has taught you something new about birth in another country, something that believe we should all be open to. Another thing is that you saw that I was in no way trying to be judgmental of males, because in the end of my blog I try to make it clear that even after all my research, one can not make a generalization about the male role in India and much less in the US where there are so many different backgrounds. Thank you for seeing the effort i put into my research and I will keep in my mind the constructive feedback you gave me on how to improve my project in the future.

Evan you say "As you stated Indian woman value their men but they don’t want them in the room while they give birth unlike in America where wives want there husbands in the room with them." With this project, I found it difficult not trying to make a generalization in either country, but yes after my research found that most woman in India not all would rather have a woman with them during childbirth. I am glad you have learned something new after reading my post, and I'm sure you will continue to do so while visiting other countries.

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