Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hw # 37


I liked that most of the questions you asked were new and have not been discussed in class, so it'd be interesting to hear what our classmates view on them would be. The line I found was the best was where you went deeper into the baby story by asking questions than just making bubbles, "What about the babies position made the umbilical cord choke the baby? How could this have been prevented? and Was it the mother's fault or the babies fault?" What would have made your post even better was if you questioned these people you interviewed to go deeper into the bigger picture.But besides that, Good Job!

Evan D

I found that after every story you would say what you had learned, what you found interesting and what questions each of their stories had provoked you to have. For example after first story you wrote, "She also loved the fact that she was fat and could eat whatever she wanted because in our society women want to be skinny so people will accept them and look at them as pretty. " You went deeper into the simplicity of how ahppy she was to jusrt eat and not worry about getting fat. To perfect your post I believe you should have questioned some of what they said after their retelling of their birth story. Other than that good job!




The most important line/response to me was " I recall the pain and being scared during labor but also remember having a sense of relief and happiness to have finally given birth to a healthy and whole baby," It impacted me a lot because I an married and would like to have children in the future, but my wife is scared of the whole child birth process. No matter how hard, difficult or painful it will be at times at the end of the day the important thing is that the baby is healthy and the happiness a baby brings to the family. A question I have is how being pregnant affected her job/economic status? As I know it affects some families dramatically.


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